24 Nov My Experience with the Best Luthier I Know
I first talked to James around last year around the end of the September in 2013. My teacher, João Luiz Rezende Lopez, talked very highly of James’ skills as a luthier and he allowed me to play the classical guitar recently made for him by James. My ears were perplexed at the wonderful, yet powerful tone of João’s guitar. Unfortunately, I had heard great guitar tone on very few occasions. My classical guitar at the the time could never compare to the sound of a James White. At that moment, I knew one thing, it was time for me to upgrade to a concert guitar.
Knowing little about classical guitar tone, since I had only recently started on my journey as a musician, I went on a tone hunt for a month. I made sure to play all the guitars that I had access to and even ventured into New York City in order to educate myself on the different tonal characteristics on different luthiers but, no matter how hard I looked, the guitars I played all over the city could not beat the tone and the feel of a James White guitar. When the tone hunt was finally over, I made the best decision I have made in my life so far, I emailed James and told him I had chosen him to be my luthier.
James helped to guide me through the entire process. He responded to all my emails and explained to me the specific details of what the guitar’s condition. He had the patience in order to start a new instrument from scratch when I, an inexperienced consumer, decided that I no longer wanted a standard guitar and I decided that I wanted a short scale guitar. The guitar arrived safely and in perfect condition to my home when it was finished. Even after the instrument had already arrived at my home. James and I have kept in touch and I always ask him anything regarding the instrument, He even send me a “health package” for my instrument because I knew nothing about guitar care, for no additional charge! After playing my guitar for over three months, I can safely say that I am extremely happy with it. “Harriet,” as James nicknamed my guitar, is the source of all my musical inspiration as a guitar player and I hope to keep working with James for the years to come.
– Stefano Arrestar
Visit James’ Facebook page and DROP JIM A NOTE For information on collaborating on a custom classical or steel string guitar built to your specifications.